For more than 200 years, Presbyterians have responded to the call of Jesus Christ by proclaiming and living our faith, laboring with love and energy to promote God’s justice in the world. At Clarksville Presbyterian, we serve by participating in local, national, and international initiatives.
In April, 2023, the Session declared us to be a Matthew 25 Congregation, dedicated to addressing Systemic Poverty. Please see our Matthew 25 webpage.
We are a Hunger Action Congregation
Clarksville Presbyterian is a Certified Hunger Action Congregation, covenanted with other congregations in the PC(USA) Presbyterian Hunger Program to help alleviate hunger and eliminate its underlying causes. The church was featured in “Backpack Buddies to Living Wages”, published by PC(USA), June 24, 2019.
Backpack Buddies was founded by Clarksville Presbyterian in 2013 and has grown into an ecumenical venture which now provides a bag of easily-prepared, non-perishable food to 120 elementary students and 40 middle school students at the end of each school week.
Clarksville Food Pantry - Clarksville Presbyterian was instrumental in creating a Board to operate a Food Pantry, open to western Mecklenburg County residents twice each week. The Pantry is a member of the Virginia FeedMore Federation, which provides access to healthy, nutritious fresh, frozen, and canned food at prices well below retail, helping the Pantry stretch its precious cash donations for food purchases. Several CPC members now serve on the Board, and our church provides a team of volunteers to work at the Pantry in a regular rotation.

Our 2023 Activities
Mission Committee:
CarePortal – a cooperative program with Mecklenburg County Social Services and Patrick Henry Family Services to respond to specific caseworker requests for local families in need.
Year-round collection of school supplies and hygiene items for local schools
Thanksgiving food baskets
Christmas Families’ Projects
Operation Christmas Child
Blessing bags for homeless
Church World Service Blanket Month
Church World Service Hygiene Supplies
Presbyterian Children’s Home of the Highlands (VA)
Red Bird Mission WorkCamp (KY)
CPC in the Community (Outreach)
Storytime – Men’s program of weekly visits to read to Clarksville Elementary Pre-K classes
Cup of Cold Water during Lakefest
Cup of Hot Cocoa during the Christmas Parade
Feed the Teams at MCHS
Accelerated Readers Picnic
Red Cross Blood Drive

For many years, CPC has supported the Yahve-Jire Children's Foundation Children's Home in Haiti, through contributions and prayer. In 2022, the church launched an ambitious project of constructing a residence building for young men who are in trade schools or universities. Through the generosity of the Lillian Hooker Fund, a check for $15,000 has been sent to Haiti, and we are meeting by Zoom periodically with our friend and Director, Chedlin Justinvil to follow the progress.
CPC has maintained an on-going Covenant relationship with our Missionaries who are working in a blended mission in Asia and the US, Andy and Ellen Collins. The Collins family is partnered with the country’s largest Protestant church, the Church of Christ in Thailand (CCT). Andy and Ellen joined us at Worship on February 19, 2023, with a presentation on their work.
International Missions

Chedlin Justinvil ,Yahve-Jire Children's Foundation orphanage

Andy and Ellen Collins and sons
Presbyterian Mission

Presbyterian Mission is the national ministry arm of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and the largest of the six General Assembly agencies of PC(U.S.A.) They partner with congregations, mid councils, worshiping communities, mission networks and many other groups to nurture and support Christ’s disciples wherever the Holy Spirit leads and the General Assembly directs us.