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Blessed Wonder, Holy Joy

The Commonwealth Chorale of Virginia


Sunday, December 3, 2023

The Holiday Concert of  the Commonwealth Chorale of Virginia, under the direction of Carol J. Henderson, was presented in its entirety at Clarksville Presbyterian Church and will also be presented on Dec. 9 at Crewe United Methodist Church and on Dec. 10 at Farmville United Methodist Church.  The tracks below represent only a few of the pieces in that program.

THE ALFRED BURT CAROLS, SET II (1954)                                                    Lyrics by Bates G. Burt and Wihla Hutson, Music by Alfred S. Burt

9 O Harken Ye
00:00 / 02:46
10 Some Children See Him
00:00 / 03:13
11 Jesu Parvule
00:00 / 02:43
12 The Star Carol
00:00 / 02:10

MAGNIFICAT                                                                                                            Song of Mary (Luke 1:46-55), Kim Andre Arneson (b. 1980)

13 Magnificat anima mea
00:00 / 06:34
14 Ecce enim
00:00 / 05:07
15 Qui fecit
00:00 / 05:41
16 Fecit potentiam
00:00 / 04:16
17 Suscepit Israel
00:00 / 03:34
18 Gloria Patri
00:00 / 05:45

Finale:  HALLELUJAH! FROM MESSIAH, PART 2                                         G. F. Handel

19 Hallelujah! from Messiah, Part 2
00:00 / 03:55

Coda:  WHITE CHRISTMAS                                                                                Irving Berlin, arranged by Mac Huff

20 White Christmas
00:00 / 04:47

Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE with license #A-722944. All rights reserved.  

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